Notice Number: NOTC3310
Available through a link below, is a Letter to Airmen from the Troutdate, Oregon Control Tower. You may be wondering why we are sending you a Letter to Airmen from Troutdale (TTD) Tower and you don't even operate near TTD. That's because the problem is not just at Troutdale! Have you recently been issued "hold short" instructions by a Control Tower and you acknowledged with just your "N" number or even worse, the infamous "roger"? What happens next is the controller tries to get you to say the proper response. This is not because the controller is "having a bad day" and is hassling you. This has been leading to some interesting radio dialog and ties up valuable radio time. All the Air Traffic Control Towers have been mandated to emphasize the use of proper radio phraseology concerning "hold short" instructions as stated in the AIM. Also please note to always use your "N" number or call sign when acknowledging ATC clearances/instructions. EXAMPLE #1 Controller Phraseology; "November One Two Three Four Five, Hold Short of Runway Three Zero Left at Kilo" Pilot Response: "November One Two Three Four Five, Hold Short of Runway Three Zero Left at Kilo", or Pilot Response: "Cherokee Three Four Five, Hold Short of Runway three Zero Left at Kilo" EXAMPLE #2 Controller Phraseology: "Piper 54321, hold short Runway Two Eight" Unacceptable Responses: "Piper 321, holding short" "Holding short" "321" "November 321, roger" Acceptable Responses: "Piper 321, hold short Runway Two Eight" "November 321, hold short of Two Eight" Complacency and/or the lack of radio discipline has led to numerous runway incursions and other types of miscommunication. We have been getting feedback from Control Towers that many pilots are not using the proper response to acknowledge ATCT clearances/instructions. Please maintain safety and professionalism by adhering to proper and precise radio communications. For more information and examples see the TTD Letter to Airmen and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM).
1 Comment
5/29/2012 07:15:36 pm
Nice rules made for the easiness of the traffic.I really admire the points which are described in the blog.Thanks for the post.
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