One thing to really pay attention to on any Instrument, CFII or ATP ride is the MDA. The PTS states (in part) you must maintain the MDA, when reached, within +100 feet, −0 feet to the MAP until told to execute a streight-in or circling approach when instructed by the examiner.
I've recently had a few issues with this. One applicant missed a step-down fix and descended 400 below the segment MDA another blew right threw the MDA and I stopped the descent about 100 feet above the corn. On a real IFR flight descending prematurely could be deadly. On a check ride it will result in with a Notice of Disapproval. Being able to identify the MAP on approach is another important subject. How does your GPS tell you you're at the MAP? How do you determine the MAP on a LOC approach? Is it Distance, Time, or something else? How do you know? If you wish to start the Missed approach before the MAP, what limitations must be observed? How do you get established on a Missed Approach after attempting to circle to another runway?
The AIM, which is available at, is updated in February and July of each year, and included in the last February change was an updated description of the “Operation Lights On” pilot safety program.
In section 4-3-23, Use of Aircraft Lights, paragraphs (c), (e), (f) and (g) describe the use of lights while on an airport. We invite you to go to the AIM and read each of these paragraphs. For example, paragraph (e) states, Prior to commencing taxi, it is recommended to turn on navigation, position, anti-collision, and logo lights (if equipped). To signal intent to other pilots, consider turning on the taxi light when the aircraft is moving or intending to move on the ground, and turning it off when stopped or yielding to other ground traffic. Strobe lights should not be illuminated during taxi if they will adversely affect the vision of other pilots or ground personnel. Furthermore, the use of your transponder while taxiing is recommended in paragraph 4-1-20. It says, in part, Civil and military transponders should be turned to the “on" or normal altitude reporting position prior to moving on the airport surface to ensure the aircraft is visible to ATC surveillance systems. We encourage you to keep abreast of the periodic changes to the AIM, and they make it easy by providing a change summary page for each change. We appreciate these items being brought to our attention so that we could share them with you. |
October 2024
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