Price of a 1 year membership in ABS is $65 and you get all the BPPP courses! That includes Initial, Recurrent and Instructor online courses. From my experience as a DPE, I can tell when an applicant has had training from BPPP and/or one of the BPPP instructors. This very well maybe the best deal in Aviation! The following is from the ABS website.
The ABS Flight Instructor Academy is FREE to members of the American Bonanza Society. Click here to go to the BPPP Online Training Center. ABS members and Life Members are enrolled FREE in BPPP online courses. If you are logged in to as an ABS member you will be automatically logged in when you go to the Training Center. If you are not logged in to ABS you will be taken to the ABS login page when you attempt to log in to the Training Center. If you are not a member of ABS you will be taken to the ABS membership Join Here page. Complimentary Temporary Members must convert to paid membership to participate in BPPP. "How to Teach Beech"
The ABS Flight Instructor Academy teaches certificated flight instructors the techniques and procedures developed by ABS’ contracted instructors in over three decades of teaching in Beech aircraft. The Academy serves three purposes:
Here is a description of the courses included in the ABS Flight Instructor Academy. ABS' goal with the ABS Flight Instructor Academy is to ensure that Beech pilots everywhere have convenient access to safe, informed and effective type-specific training, in or out of the BPPP system. This is a major effort in support of the mission of the ABS Air Safety Foundation, "to protect lives and preserve the Beechcraft fleet." What You Get Complete the entire ABS Flight Instructor Academy online course and your name, business name (as applicable), location and contact information will be listed on the ABS website. Current and prospective ABS members will be able to see this referral list when looking for an instructor for transition and recurrent training, flight reviews and instrument proficiency checks. As an ABS Flight Instructor Academy graduate you may be eligible to become a contract instructor for the Beechcraft Pilot Proficiency Program (BPPP). As a BPPP CFI, you'll be eligible to provide flight training resulting in award of a completion certificate in the BPPP Online+Flight and BPPP LIVE programs. BPPP completion certificates may result in substantial aircraft insurance discounts for aircraft owners, so your services will be in demand. Your name, location and contact information will be added to the BPPP Instructor list on the ABS website. You will be covered as a flight instructor under ABS' liability policy including aircraft physical damage coverage while you instruct in Beech piston airplanes. Here's information on how to become a BPPP Instructor.
I fly a lot of different aircraft to a lot of different places and some of them don't have ELTs in them. Small helicopters are NOT required to even have ELTs. Imagine traveling cross country at low altitude without flight following over hostile terrain when an engine fails. Not good!
So put yourself in that position. What would you pay to have someone find you in a few hours? Well, for less than $300 you can buy a PLB. A Personal Locating Beacon. It's basically a small 406/121.5 ELT with GPS. It's about the size of a small cell phone and can be attach it to your belt. The only downfall I see is you have to manually activate it when in distress but it will run for at least 24 hours. It's accuracy should pin point your position to 1000 meters or less. There are several PLBs available. This is the one I got from Sporty's: Q. How long will my checkride last?
A. Except for the Initial CFI, most checkrides last an average of four hours. Of course, the checkride time may be a bit longer due to the material we need to cover, traffic around the airport area, and other factors. The Initial CFI usually last about 6 to 8 hours do to the amount of material required from the PTS. Q. What is the best source of information for what will be covered on my checkride? A. The FAA Practical Test Standard (or PTS) is your best guide to know what we will cover. There is a specific PTS published for the certificate or rating you are trying to achieve. As always, your flight instructor will also have excellent information and insight for the material covered on your exam. Q. Should I bring my aircraft maintenance logs, manuals, FAR/AIM and other reference material with me to the checkride? A. Absolutely! Almost all your reference materials can be used for the checkride. You are free to look something up during the exam, if necessary. Why do we need the aircraft maintenance logs? As part of my prep for the ride I have to make sure your airplane is airworthy to fly, plus you will have to demonstrate that you know your airplane is legal Q. What if the weather is bad the day of my checkride? A. If the weather forecast is not adequate for VFR flight, give me a call the night before or the morning of your checkride and we can discuss our options. Q. For my instrument rating or ATP checkride can we fly in actual IFR conditions to complete the flight? A. The FAA prefers that we don't. Q. Will you come to my airport or flight school for my checkride? Or do you require that I fly somewhere to meet you? A. Almost always, I will plan to meet you at your “home” airport. There are only a small occasions where due to scheduling, it may be more practical for you to meet me somewhere else. However, I try to avoid this as much as possible. Q. Can I take the flight portion of my checkride first, and then do the oral portion? A. The FAA guidance requires we complete the oral portion first before heading to the airplane. Q. During the flight if a task or maneuver is not satisfactory, can I just do it over again? A. Unfortunately, the maneuver must be performed to the standards outlined in the PTS the first time. However, there are exceptions if, for example, a task or maneuver is incomplete, or there was some misunderstanding of what was to be conducted. Q. How long do I have to wait before I can re-take my checkride if I failed? A. There is not required time to wait. However, you must receive additional instruction from your instructor in the area that was not satisfactory. This training would be determined with the help of your flight instructor. Q. My airplane has an autopilot. Can I use it during the flight on my checkride? A. You may use your autopilot in limited situations. As a matter of fact on some exams, the use of the autopilot is required to be demonstrated. Most automation that is available to you can be used during the checkride. Just use caution that the automation does not get in the way of flying the airplane or become a distraction. Q. As a CFI, can I sit in and observe your checkride with my student? A. I always welcome CFIs to sit in on the checkride if they have time. The only approval needed is from your student. If he or she is ok with it, then that would be fine! |
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