Quick tips....
You are PIC on the flight your Pilot Examiner is your first pain in the ass passenger. Just treat him or her as someone that has never flown. If you are doing a CFI checkride, treat your examiner as a newbie student (unless told otherwise) Wind correction should always be applied during taxi. Helicopter pilots, clear the tail rotor before turning. Before you take off remember to set the radios, nav and GPS as required for the cross country. Use all available equipment. Level off is Pitch, then Power, then trim. Make sure you know how to use the equipment installed on the aircraft. This includes both normal operations and possible failure modes. It helps if you talk your way through the maneuvers. Don't bother "Googling" the answers to the oral. You wont get very far. Expect engine failures and always have a landing area picked out. Remember a good rule of thumb is that after you have picked out a landing area, aim to set yourself up to be 1000ft AGL abeam your intended landing area and fly a slightly shorter normal pattern. Keep your Charts and maps accessible. Have a back up for your iPad. Use taxi diagrams. Fly the aircraft till its back in the hangar. Aviate, Navigate and Communicate. In that order! Relax & Breathe
October 2024
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